Are you in the right place?
NOT enrolled in classes?
If you are NOT enrolled in classes for the current semester, there is nothing you need to do here.
Enrolled in classes for a future term?
If you are enrolled in classes for a future term that has not yet begun, and you have decided not to attend, you can drop all classes yourself in your myWSU Student Portal. Go to My Student Center > Enroll > Term > Drop, and then select the boxes next to each class. To complete your request, click on the Drop Selected Classes button, followed by the Finish Dropping button.
Enrolled in classes for the current term?
You’re in the right place. Click on the box below to submit a Current Term Withdrawal in myWSU to cancel your enrollment. Withdrawing from the current term will remove all of your courses for the current semester. This includes any classes taken concurrently on multiple WSU campuses and through Global Campus.