Running Start

WSU Tri-Cities Running Start Program

Washington State University Tri-Cities is pleased to offer the Running Start program for qualifying high school juniors and seniors attending a high school within Benton-Franklin (and surrounding) counties. The Running Start program allows students to attend classes on the WSU Tri-Cities campus and receive both high school and college credit simultaneously – tuition free! Students can choose to take one class per semester or attend full time.

Running Start Info Nights

Eligibility Criteria

  • Junior or senior standing in high school
  • Enrolled in a Washington State public high school
  • Have a 3.30 cumulative GPA or higher

Have questions regarding your eligibility? Connect with our Running Start office for more information.


CIC 101 Learning Commons

Admissions process

  1. Students who wish to attend WSU Tri-Cities as a Running Start student must meet the Tri-Cities Running Start eligibility criteria. If a student meets the requirements, the student will then complete a WSU Tri-Cities Running Start online application at no cost.
    1. The WSU Tri-Cities Running Start online application link is only on this website and is only open from February 1 – April 1.
  2. Students will be notified of their admission status on or before April 1.
    1. When applying, the student should use a valid email address that is checked regularly.
  3. If a student is admitted, they will receive an email with information regarding next steps on how to confirm their admission into the Running Start program.
  4. Once a student confirms their admission into the WSU Tri-Cities Running Start program, they will learn all essential information about being a Running Start Coug.

We highly encourage students to discuss Running Start and high school graduation requirements early with their high school counselor.

View frequently asked questions.

Application Requirements

Students who have a 3.50 or higher cumulative high school GPA:

  1. Submit a free online WSU Tri-Cities Running Start application
  2. After submission of the Running Start application, students will be instructed to complete/upload the following documents in the “Application Status” section of the online application:
    1. Unofficial high school transcript
    2. FERPA form
    3. Parent permission form
    4. Optional: AP test scores, SAT or ACT test scores

Students who have a 3.30 to 3.49 cumulative unweighted high school GPA or homeschooled/private school:

  1. Submit a free online WSU Tri-Cities Running Start application
  2. After submission of the Running Start application, students will be instructed to complete/upload the following documents in the “Application Status” section of the online application:
    1. Unofficial high school transcript
    2. FERPA form
    3. Parent permission form
    4. Personal statement detailing education goals
    5. 2 letters of recommendation (teacher, high school counselor, coach, etc.)
    6. Optional: AP test scores, SAT or ACT test scores

The additional documents/forms are needed for the Running Start application to be complete. Any incomplete applications will NOT be reviewed after the April 1 deadline.

Homeschooled or attend a private school?

Homeschooled students and students attending a private school are eligible to apply as a WSU Tri-Cities Running Start student. If admitted, the student will need to enroll in a public high school and be considered a junior or senior at the high school.

What is the cost of Running Start at WSU Tri-Cities?

Tuition is free! Students will be responsible for paying tuition and fees for any credits they take over the specified amount that was approved by their high school counselor.

Running Start students are responsible for fees and textbooks. Fees can be waived if the student is eligible for free or reduced lunch at the high school and submits their eligibility letter or attends a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) high school.

How does FERPA affect Running Start students?

  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives students certain rights with respect to their educational records. These rights include:
    • Review and inspect their educational records
    • Have their educational records amended or corrected;
    • Control disclosure of certain portions of their educational records.
  • FERPA applies to Running Start students equally, meaning that WSU is legally prohibited from sharing a WSU Tri-Cities Running Start student’s FERPA-protected information with others. This means that parents may not obtain any of their student’s education records without the written consent of the student.
  • While parents understandably have an interest in their student’s academic progress, they aren’t automatically granted access to a student’s educational records. Parents are encouraged to ask their students directly about academic information. Students may provide third-party access for their guardian to view grades and other portions of their education record via myWSU.

Olivia Ledezma Headshot
Olivia LedezmaAssistant Director for Running Start and Academic Advisor
photo of Sofia Ramirez
Sofia RamirezRunning Start Student Mentor