WSU Tri-Cities Counseling for Veterans — Counseling services are provided at no cost to Veteran students. VA Hospital Walla Walla VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic — Richland Mesothelioma Veterans Center
Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) — Don’t forget to verify your attendance at the end of each month. Department of Veterans Affairs Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs — Find out about statewide legislation that directly impacts veterans. Spokane Veterans Outreach Center — Location and contact information. Yakima Outpatient Clinic — Location and contact information. Make the Connection — Shared experiences and support for Veterans
AARTS (Army ACE Registry Transcript System) — For Active Duty Army, Reserve, and Army National Guard members. SMART (Sailor/Marine ACE Registry Transcript) — For Active Duty Navy & Marine Corps, and Reserve Navy & Marine Corps members. Coast Guard Institute — For Coast Guard members.
WSU Tri-Cities Student Financial Services — You may qualify for a scholarship or a grant! Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) — A very important piece of the financial aid puzzle. Fast Web Scholarships — Search for thousands of scholarships throughout the country. Student Veterans of America scholarships National Resource Directory – Many scholarships for Veterans, military members, dependents, and spouses featured. American Legion scholarships
Associated Students of Washington State University Tri-Cities (ASWSUTC) — Find which students are representing you. Troops to Teachers — From the Department of Education. Adopt a Platoon — A truly unique endeavor. WSU Career Services — Find a job on campus or elsewhere. Wounded Warrior Project — Raising awareness for the needs of injured service members, helping injured service members aid and assist each other, and providing unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members. Reduced Hunting & Fishing licenses (WA Department of Fish & Wildlife) Free Washington State Parks pass (WA State Parks & Recreation) — For disabled veterans Special License Plates (WA Department of Licensing) Find VA locations – Search for a VA location or in-network community care provider
10% or higher
30%-40% (in addition to the above)
50% (in addition to the above)
60%-90% (in addition to the above)
100% (in addition to the above)
100% Total and Permanent (in addition to the above)