September 7, 2018 Sept. 20: WSU Tri-Cities to host career fair welcoming more than 30 employers
RICHLAND, Wash. – Washington State University Tri-Cities will host a career fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 20, in the Student Union Building on campus, which will feature more than 30 employers throughout the region.

WSU Tri-Cities career fair
The career fair offers employers an opportunity to reach its staffing goals while allowing WSU Tri-Cities students and community members to search for and connect with potential employment and internship opportunities. There is no cost of admission and the event is open to WSU Tri-Cities students, alumni and the general public.
Attendees are encouraged to bring several resumes and/or business cards to pass along to employers with updated contact information. Individuals will have the opportunity to discuss their talents, skills, experience and education with those employers.
For those employers who would still like to register for a booth, they can do so until Sept. 17. Online registration is open until Sept. 17 for those paying with a credit card. Employers requesting to pay by check should contact the WSU Tri-Cities Career Development office at
Late employer registration costs $125 and is subject to space availability after Sept. 17. For late registration availability, employers should contact Jason Yi, WSU Tri-Cities career and internship coordinator, at 509-372-7613 or
For more information about the Career Fair, visit