Event Planning Tips

Don’t go it alone!

Join forces with another campus entity or create a committee to create a robust event.

Make your event welcoming

  • Include people of diverse backgrounds on your event-planning committee.
  • Before selecting the date of your event, consult the 25Live calendar, and research campus and community events for conflicts.
  • If serving food, consider the dietary limitations of your attendees (kosher, halal, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, periods of fasting, etc.).
  • Have a plan to provide disability accommodations and language interpretation, if necessary. Be aware of how this will impact AV services. Build potential costs into your budget. For accommodations and services information, visit the Access Center.
  • Consider whether the content of your event is relevant to people of diverse backgrounds (race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, immigration status, gender, age, etc.) and include speakers that represent a variety of diverse backgrounds.
  • Consider using a variety of presentation techniques to be inclusive of different learning needs and styles (visual, audio, hands-on, handouts, group discussion, interactive, etc.).
  • Add your event to the campus Master Calendar. This will help to share the information more widely in an Outlook format. Information on how to add your event to the campus Master Calendar is located here.
  • Consider COVID-19 event restrictions. Read about the most updated guidance for our campus.

Thinking about renaming your event?

It’s a good idea if the title is confusing, but if you’re renaming an established event to do something “new”—think again. You’ll lose any recognition your event has generated. In that case, look to the next year or next time you plan this event.

Quick reference guide

  1. Consult the Master Calendar to ensure your event does not conflict with other events on-campus. 
  2. Consult the Marketing Calendar to ensure your event does not conflict with other events on-campus. 
  3. Request event space in 25Live (if internal) or through the Non-WSU Group Space Request Form (external parties). 
  4. Add appropriate resources and locations to request and submit for approval. 
  5. Once approved, please visit the tricities.wsu.edu/campus-events-support/ website for next steps in detailed form. 
  6. Add your event to the Master Calendar. 
  7. Request Marketing support from the MarComm office via their online form (at least 8 weeks in advance of your event). 
  8. Set up your event registration so individuals can RSVP to your event (if necessary or closed event). 
  9. Review below policies and location requirements. If you have questions, contact the appropriate offices (I.e., Facilities, IT, Safety, etc.). 
  10. Schedule a meeting with your events team, including those requested as “resources” in your 25Live request. It will help to gather everyone together to walk through the event plan. 
  11. Create an event checklist or plan so you can track progress until day-of. 
  12. Have a back-up plan in place, should weather or issues arise. 
  13. Plan a debrief meeting after your event to talk about what went well and what can be changed for next time.

Washington State University Policies for Consideration: 

  1. If you are planning on having alcohol served at your event, you will need to comply with state regulations, obtain the appropriate license, and be aware of the limitations set forth in WSU Executive Policy #20. 
  2. If you are using WSU funds to support your event, there are several policies that contain limitations and restrictions on the use of those funds. 
  3. BPPM 70.03 outlines the allowable types of purchases by WSU funding type 
  4. BPPM 70.29 governs the purchase of alcohol with state funds 
  5. BPPM 70.30 governs the purchase of food with state funds and outlines when such purchases are appropriate and allowable. 
  6. The following food matrix is also illustrative with respect to the various requirements for paying for food with state funds.

Requesting event space on campus 

Internal WSU Tri-Cities Events: 

  1. Requestor reviews 25Live Pro to determine space availability for preferred and alternate dates and times. 
  2. Requestor submits a space request in 25Live Pro.
  3. From this point on, the requestor is the first line of contact for the event.

External/WSU System Events: 

  1. Requestor contacts event scheduler to determine space availability for preferred and alternate dates and times. 
  2. Requestor submits a Non-WSU Group Space Request form. 
  3. The event scheduler submits the request for administrative approval. 
  4. Once administration approves/denies request, the event scheduler notifies the requestor. 
  5. From this point on, the requestor is the first line of contact for the event.

Location requirements and priority


  1. Academic classes have priority in classrooms. Once classes are set, events for the upcoming semester are confirmed after the 10th day of class, on a first-come, first-served basis. You can check the space size using 25Live, by searching Locations, Saved Searches, and Tri-Cities General Use Classrooms. To see room availability, check 25Live Pro. 

Conference rooms 

  1. If you are meeting with 12 or fewer people, consider using a conference room. You can check the space size using 25Live Pro by searching Locations, Saved Searches, and Tri-Cities Conference Rooms.

Outdoor areas 

  1. All outdoor areas require a space request in 25Live Pro. Outdoor areas include the CIC Courtyard, CIC Terrace, East Patio, Floyd Courtyard, Pathway between CIC & Floyd, SUB Patios, WSC Courtyard, Basketball Court, Volleyball Court, Rotary Stage, and Parking Lots.