Certificate Programs

College of Education

Principal and Superintendent Certificates

Our certificate programs provide training, mentors and a network of colleagues. You can find information on our field-based principal and field-based superintendent programs at the bottom of the page.

If you are interested in earning a teaching certificate, please visit our Elementary Education and Master in Teaching pages.


Meet Don

Don Rumsey has dedicated his life to serving others through careers in the military, law enforcement, as a paramedic and now as a science teacher at Enterprise Middle School. Through his pursuit of a doctoral degree in educational leadership from Washington State University Tri-Cities, he hopes to expand his scope for making a difference in the lives of his students as a future school principal. Read more…

This innovative, streamlined program offers you the best possible training for principalship, as well as a network of colleagues and mentors who will help you. This program was designed by an Advisory Committee of working administrators and scholars, is taught by highly successful administrators and WSU faculty. Thus, the WSU Tri-Cities Educational Leadership Program offer the best of both worlds: current, practical knowledge and skills along with high-quality academic courses. Participants are eligible for state funds to support their substitutes where appropriate to facilitate their internships. A high quality Masters’ program in Educational Leadership is also available.

Please visit our Educational Leadership page for more information about our Principal Certificate and other programs.

Kathleen Cowin
Kathleen CowinAssociate Professor (Career Track), Ed LeadershipFloyd 207X
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