Campus Maps

East Building

East Building

Elson S. Floyd

Elson S. Floyd Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

East Building

Campus Maps at WSU Tri-Cities

Directions from Interstate 182

Take Exit 5-B onto George Washington Way in Richland. Travel north about 5 miles. Turn right on Sprout Road, just past Hanford High School. Turn left on Crimson Way (formerly University Drive) to enter the campus.

Public Transportation

An agreement between Ben Franklin Transit (BFT) and WSU Tri-Cities allows each student, faculty and staff member displaying a valid WSU PASS sticker on his/her valid Cougar Card to ride on all parts of the fixed route bus system for free. Passes are accepted on all BFT scheduled routes and CONNECT and are supported by the campus safety and transportation fee. BFT offers WSU Tri-Cities direct service every 20 minutes on Route 26.

WSU PASS stickers will be applied each academic term to show that the individual is currently employed or enrolled. Cougar Cards and WSU PASS stickers can be obtained from the security office.

East Building

What’s Here?

Quick Facts

  • Opened: 1968
  • The East building is the first and oldest building on the WSU Tri-Cities campus. The Tri-Cities campus began as the Joint Center for Graduate Study in July 1958 as a collaborative effort among WSU, the University of Washington and Oregon State University. In 1967, the Richland School District donated 84 acres to provide a permanent home for the facility. Construction began on the East Building in July 1967. The building was finished in one year, and in the fall of 1968, the first classes were taught by 79 adjunct faculty members to 380 students.

Elson S. Floyd Building (formerly “West”)

Picture of Floyd Building

What’s Here?

Quick Facts

  • Opened: 1991
  • Cost: $12.7 million
  • The West building is connected to the East building by two corridors, one each on the first and second floors. It houses many of the student service facilities. Its architectural highlight is the atrium, a large windowed room overlooked by the second-floor balcony that faces the east lawn and Columbia River. In the atrium are flags that represent the nationalities of our international students and strings of 1,000 cranes, called senbadzuru, folded by students on our campus. Press meetings, academic symposiums, art receptions and performances often are hosted in this location.

Collaboration Hall

What’s Here?

  • A physics laboratory
  • Two biology laboratories
  • A chemistry laboratory
  • An Anatomy/physiology laboratory
  • A geology laboratory
  • A multidisciplinary laboratory
  • An engineering classroom
  • Collaborative Spaces
    • An active learning room
    • A team-based classroom
    • Office spaces
    • Three small-sized solution rooms
    • Two medium-sized solution rooms

Quick Facts

  • Opened: August 2021
  • Area: 40,000 sq. ft.
  • Funding: Washington State Legislature
    The  40,000-square-foot Collaboration Hall houses a suite of teaching laboratories, classrooms, collaborative meeting spaces for students and faculty, study spaces, as well as a grand staircase that features open seating for lectures and presentations.The building design is the result of feedback received as part of a variety of open forum sessions with students, faculty and staff about what they wanted to see in the space, as well as how the facilities could best be utilized for learning.

Consolidated Information Center (CIC)

What’s Here?

Quick Facts

  • Opened: June 1997
  • Area: 70,000 sq. ft.
  • Funding: State of Washington and the U.S. Department of Energy

Bioproducts, Sciences & Engineering Laboratory (BSEL)

What’s Here?

  • Biorefinery and the Combinatorial Catalysis Research Lab
  • PNNL offices
  • Science labs
  • Classrooms

Quick Facts

  • Opened: May 2008
  • 57,000 square feet
  • $24 million research and teaching laboratory features a number of construction features which contribute to making the building more energy efficient, including improved wall construction, roofing, high efficiency boilers, day lighting, and window shading on the west- and south-facing walls.

Institute for Northwest Energy Future (INEF)

What’s Here?

  • INEF offices

Quick Facts

  • Opened: 2024

How To Get There

Nursing Building

What’s Here?

  • Nursing labs
  • Simulation labs and control rooms
  • Nursing offices
  • Nursing classrooms

Quick Facts

  • Opened: 2014
  • 10,000 square feet
  • Leased through partnership with Kadlec Regional Medical Center
  • Located off-campus near downtown Richland

How To Get There

Ste Michelle Wine Estates WSU Wine Science Center

What’s Here?

  • Classrooms
  • Wine library
  • Laboratory
  • Research work area
  • Faculty offices and meeting space

Quick Facts

Built in a sagebrush landscape along the mighty Columbia River in the heart of Washington wine country, the Ste. Michelle Wine Estates WSU Wine Science Center is a hub for innovation, education, and collaboration.

The state-of-the-art Wine Science Center was developed in close partnership with the wine industry. This teaching, research, and extension facility is among the most technologically advanced wine research and education facilities of its kind in the world, transforming the Washington wine industry with cutting-edge science in the tradition of its forefathers, Dr. Walter Clore and Dr. Chas Nagel.

This 40,000-square-foot facility includes an open atrium with a wine library, research and teaching laboratories and winery, and classrooms and meeting spaces. The $23 million building now features high-tech equipment and is home to faculty and researchers who are educating future wine industry leaders and rolling out research that improves the grape-growing and winemaking process.

How To Get There

Atkins Engineering Laboratory

What’s Here?

  • Laboratory
  • Research work area

Quick Facts

How To Get There