Summer Session Dates & Deadlines

What are you doing next summer?

Summer is an opportunity like no other to engage deeper in your studies through smaller class sizes, diversify your skill set, and prepare to tackle the next big challenge ahead.

Whether you are a current student at any of the WSU campuses or visiting student from another university or college, you can take courses to stay on track for graduation, focus on a difficult course, or retake a course. Also, all students pay in-state tuition for the summer, so you may be able to save money.

Registration for Summer 2025 courses begins on March 3, 2025, and is open through the beginning of each session. There are no advising holds for summer, but be sure to discuss any summer enrollment plans with your Academic Advisor.

Early 6-week: May 5 - June 15

Tuition Due: May 5
First Late Fee: May 30
Second Late Fee: June 27
Third Late Fee: July 25
Deadline to Self-Enroll: May 7
Drop without Penalty Deadline: May 16
Drop with Penalty (Withdraw) Deadline: June 7
Deadline to Change from Credit to Audit or Audit to Credit: First Friday of the session (5PM)
Deadline to Change Letter Grade to Pass/Fail or Pass/Fail to Letter Grade: First Friday of the session (5PM)

12-week/Regular: May 5 - July 25

Tuition Due: May 5
First Late Fee: May 30
Second Late Fee: June 27
Third Late Fee: July 25
Deadline to Self-Enroll: May 9
Drop without Penalty Deadline: May 27
Drop with Penalty (Withdraw) Deadline: July 12
Deadline to Change from Credit to Audit or Audit to Credit: Third Friday of the session (5PM)
Deadline to Change Letter Grade to Pass/Fail or Pass/Fail to Letter Grade: Third Friday of the session (5PM)

Late 6-week: June 16 - July 25

Tuition Due: June 16
First Late Fee: June 27
Second Late Fee: July 25
Deadline to Self-Enroll: June 18
Drop Without Penalty Deadline: June 27
Drop with Penalty (Withdraw) Deadline: July 20
Deadline to Change from Credit to Audit or Audit to Credit: First Friday of the session (5PM)
Deadline to Change Letter Grade to Pass/Fail or Pass/Fail to Letter Grade: First Friday of the session (5PM)

Non-Typical Session Dates (Dynamic Dated)

Some specialized courses have different start and end dates outside of the standard summer sessions listed above and have different deadlines. They are referred to as Dynamic Dated. Check the Schedule of Classes for details or use the myWSU instructions below. You can also review the Drop Deadlines table on the Registrar’s Summer Dynamic Dated Sessions page.

How to Find Individual Course Drop Deadlines

Drop and withdrawal deadlines are specific to each course. To find the official deadlines for a course you are enrolled in, follow these steps.

1. From your myWSU student homepage, select Manage Classes.

2. From the Manage Classes navigation menu, select View My Classes.

3. You may see multiple terms listed. For example, 2019 Spring Semester and 2019 Summer Session. Select the appropriate term for the specific course deadlines you wish to view.

4. The courses you are enrolled in for that term will be listed. To view a specific course’s deadlines, select the Enrollment Deadlines link listed with the course.

5. An Enrollment Deadlines pop-up window will appear. The drop and withdrawal deadlines will be listed within the Drop Calendar section.

For deadlines to drop all classes and cancel enrollment, select the Cancel and Withdraw link.

Check out the summer course schedule…