Summer Session

Visiting Students


WSU Tri-Cities welcomes students from other instituions who are in the Tri-Cities over the summer and want to make academic progress.

If you just plan to take a class or two that will transfer back to your home institution, you will need to apply as a non-degree seeking student.

Once you have applied as a non-degree student, you may log into your myWSU account to enroll in courses. Non-degree seeking students must work with their academic advisor at their home institution to verify that a WSU course will transfer back to fulfill requirements.

If you are planning to continue at WSU onto fall semester or beyond, please complete the degree-seeking application that best suits you. It is recommended that you speak with an Academic Advisor to discuss Summer Session options.

Note: Non-degree seeking students do NOT qualify for financial aid.

Students who wish to begin working towards a graduate degree at WSU Tri-Cities during the summer will need to apply for admission to the Graduate School.

Credits earned during Summer Session at WSU Tri-Cities are applied in the same manner and subject to the same rules and regulations as credits earned during fall and spring semesters.

There are also opportunities for research during the summer months in a number of departments.

Tuition and Fees

There is no out-of-state tuition rate for the summer semester!

Undergraduate Tuition: $595.05/credit

Graduate Tuition$682.55/credit

Auditing a Course: Unlike fall and spring courses, students are required to pay full tuition and fees when auditing a course during the Summer Session.

Tuition is due on the first day of class; assessment of late fees for unpaid tuition will begin on the dates listed under Summer Session Dates & Deadlines. Fees are cumulative; accounts will be assessed a fee on each deadline that the balance remains unpaid.


Withdrawing from the current term will remove all of your courses for the current semester. This includes any classes taken concurrently on multiple WSU campuses and through Global Campus.

If you submit a term withdrawal AFTER the drop without penalty deadline, all tuition and fees will still be owed.

If done BEFORE the drop without penalty deadline, there will be a 100% refund of tuition and fees.

There is no cancellation fee for the summer semester.

Refund Policy

Refunds for classes only occur if a class is dropped BEFORE the drop without penalty deadline.

Check out the summer schedule of classes…