March 4, 2021 March 9: Virtual Mid-Columbia Career Fair to feature employers across regional Tri-Cities
RICHLAND, Wash. – Individuals will have the opportunity to meet with a variety of regional employers from across the Tri-Cities and inquire about current and future jobs and career opportunities as part of the Virtual Mid-Columbia Career Fair that takes place on Tuesday, March 9.
The career fair, which is jointly hosted by WorkSource Columbia Basin, Washington State University Tri-Cities, and Columbia Basin College, will take place from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. online via a platform called Brazen. To attend, individuals should register and create their profile at bit.ly/3t7oHNB.
The career fair is free and open to the public.
“This spring career fair not only provides our current students and spring graduates with insight into job prospects as they head into their professional lives, we are also offering this as a public resource,” said Kristine Cody, WSU Tri-Cities assistant director of career services. “Given the pandemic, it is a tough job market for many right now, but there are a variety of jobs available regionally and this is a great opportunity to get connected to those.”
Bringing together the two academic institutions with WorkSource has resulted in beneficial partnerships in scaling resources and other career connections for current students, recent graduates and members of the public, said Elisa Hernandez, director for career services at CBC.
“This is a fantastic resource for individuals to access job recruiters and hiring managers of the companies they are interested in for insights into how they can obtain current and future positions,” she said.
Employers interested in participating should sign-up for a digital booth by today, March 5. There is no cost to participate. For more information and to register as an employer, contact Jasmine Sanchez at JSanchez@ESD.WA.GOV.