Location Requirements and Priority

If an event request is being made, and the requestor is a charitable organization that would like to obtain the space at a reduced rate or free of charge, the event must serve an educational or public service purpose related to the university’s mission and requestor must receive special permission from the Chancellor or his/her designee.


Academic classes have priority in classrooms. Once classes are set, events for the upcoming semester are confirmed after the 10th day of class, on a first-come, first-served basis. You can check the space size using 25Live, by searching Locations, Saved Searches, and Tri-Cities General Use Classrooms. To see room availability, check 25Live Pro.

Conference rooms

If you are meeting with 12 or fewer people, consider using a conference room. You can check the space size using 25Live Pro by searching Locations, Saved Searches, and Tri-Cities Conference Rooms.

Outdoor areas

All outdoor areas require a space request in 25Live Pro. Outdoor areas include the CIC Courtyard, CIC Terrace, East Patio, Floyd Courtyard, Pathway between CIC & Floyd, SUB Patios, WSC Courtyard, Basketball Court, Volleyball Court, Rotary Stage, and Parking Lots.