CE Certification Application

    Civil Engineering Certification Application

    (Only students currently enrolled at WSU Tri-Cities may apply)

    Applications are rapidly processed, normally within two weeks from the date of submission.

    Full name (required)

    WSU e-mail (required)

    WSU ID # (required)

    Advisor's name (required)

    Phone number

    Your year in the CE program

    Local mailing address

    Permanent mailing address


    List all college or universities attended:

    College / University

    Major & Degree

    Date Attended: from - to


    Progression information:

    Transfer credits

    Transfer cumulative gpa

    Expected graduation date

    WSU credits

    WSU cumulative gpa

    WSU gpa in this semester


    Courses Required for Certification: 

    For certification, a grade of "C" or better is required in each of the courses listed below and a minimum of 45 credit hours to be completed by the end of the semester of this application. Please, complete the course information in the following table. Credit and grade information is available in "my.WSU" and/or your unofficial transcripts. If a course has been repeated, enter all grades received for the course. If a course has been transferred from a college on a quarter system, list all the grades for the equivalent WSU course. In this case enter a "T" (for transfer) in front of a grade transferred from another institution.


    Credits, 1st grade, 2nd grade (if applicable)

    College where completed

    CE 211, Statics

    Math 171, Calculus 1

    Math 172, Calculus 2

    Phys 201, Physics 1


    Certification Essay

    Please, upload a 1-3 page certification-application essay in Word or PDF format, named as CE-cert-essay-lastname-firstname. In your essay, please describe your motivation and objectives in pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering. Please include any significant information that will help us know more about you (reasons for low GPA, extenuating circumstances affecting your grades, etc).  You may include information about any relevant work experience, extra-curricular activities.  If you are reapplying after a previously unsuccessful certification application, please write a new essay.  This essay should give compelling reasons why the committee should certify you at this time.  Share with the committee what has changed. How are you successful now? What are you doing to guarantee continued success?


    Student Name

    Today's Date

    By entering my name, I am electronically signing this petition and affirming that the statements and documentation I have provided are correct, complete, and accurate.

    I have reviewed this certification application for accuracy before submitting it.

    (this box must be checked to submit)

    Thank you for submitting this certification application. You will soon be notified of the outcome.