Washington State University (WSU) expects students to make satisfactory academic progress toward their degree objectives. Undergraduate students are in good academic standing if both their current WSU semester and cumulative grade point averages are a 2.0 or above. Students not meeting these requirements are considered academically deficient.
Notification of academic deficiency will be mailed to the listed address on file, and emailed to the student’s WSU account after final grades have been posted. Additionally, a hold will be placed on the student’s account in myWSU Student Center which will prevent them from registering for classes or making any adjustments to an existing class schedule. To remove the hold students must complete the reinstatement application process.
Academic Notice and Recess for At-Risk Students
Academic Notice
a. Undergraduate students whose semester (excluding winter and summer session) or cumulative grade point average drops below a 2.0 for the first time must apply for reinstatement to continue their enrollment at Washington State University. Students are placed on academic notice after being reinstated. Academic departments may release students from the major who are on academic notice. See rule 53.
Academic Suspension
b. First-time, first-year undergraduate students are suspended from the University after their first term of enrollment if their semester grade point average is below 1.0. Individuals are suspended from the university for one full semester (Fall or Spring). To re-enroll for courses offered through any WSU campus students must apply for reinstatement. Suspended individuals may not seek status as a non-degree seeking student. Suspended individuals may enroll in summer session.
Appeal of Academic Suspension
Students may appeal an Academic Suspension in cases where there are compelling and documented circumstances. If the appeal is approved, the student may return to the university without sitting out a semester upon reinstatement.
Undergraduate students are dismissed from the University after the third semester (excluding winter and summer session) in which the cumulative grade point average is below 2.0. (The three semesters do not have to be consecutive for the dismissal policy to apply.) Individuals who are dismissed from the university must wait a minimum of two full semesters (fall/spring, spring/fall) to re-enroll for courses offered through any WSU campus. To re-enroll for courses offered through any WSU campus students must apply for reinstatement and WSU Admissions. Dismissed individuals may not seek status as a ‘non-degree seeking student.’ Dismissed students may enroll in summer session.
Appeal of Academic Dismissal
Students may appeal a dismissal in cases where there are compelling and documented circumstances. If the appeal is approved, the student may return to the university without sitting out two full semesters upon reinstatement. Appeals are considered where the student has otherwise demonstrated an ability to succeed at the university and the compelling circumstances that led to the poor academic performance have been resolved.
Former Students Returning (FSR) may seek reinstatement after two semesters (fall/spring, spring/fall) by completing the academic reinstatement process. Former students petitioning for academic reinstatement must, as part of the reinstatement petition process, provide documentation that demonstrates potential for academic success at WSU. If seeking reinstatement after more than two semesters, former students must also apply for readmission to the University through the Office of Admissions. All academic coursework from other institutions completed during dismissed status must be documented and official transcripts submitted to the Office of Admissions.
An undergraduate student who has been reinstated after becoming deficient under Rule 38 or 39 will be on academic notice. The specific conditions of enrollment for students who are on academic notice will be determined by the interviewer or Review Board. Students on academic notice who fail to comply with the reinstatement conditions will be dismissed from the University.
Fresh Start Policy
Former students who have not attended WSU for at least four years and whose cumulative GPA was less than a 2.0 when they stopped attending may request a fresh start when they return to WSU.
A fresh start begins once the student is officially enrolled following the first day of the term. Initially, the student’s transcript will be marked to indicate that the previous coursework does not count. All credits and grade points earned will be excluded.
After the student has completed 12 credits at WSU with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, the prior credits earned in courses graded C or better will be restored. Only the courses and credits, not grades or grade points, will be restored. The courses that were graded C- or below will remain excluded.
The restored credits will apply toward University requirements, which are set at the time of readmission to WSU and published in the catalog.
Students apply for a fresh start by contacting the designated office on their campuses: Pullman, the Academic Success and Career Center; Everett, Student Services; Global, the student support team or advisor; Tri-Cities, the Learning Commons; and Vancouver, the Engaged Learning and Career Center.
Complete Reinstatement Application
Click on the link above and complete the online Reinstatement Student Application.
Write Personal Statement
Personal statements must be typed either directly into the electronic application or as an attachment. Handwritten statements will not be accepted. If sending as a separate attachment, make sure to include your full name, WSU ID number, date, term applying for, and page numbers.
Any supporting documentation can be emailed to tricities.reinstatement@wsu.edu.
Application Fees
The cost of application for first time rule 38, 38B, second time 38, 39, 41, and appealing dismissal under rule 41 is $75.00.
Payments can be made in person at the Cashier’s Office in Floyd 269 or by mail. Checks and money orders must be made out to “Washington State University.” CREDIT CARDS NOT ACCEPTED AT THIS TIME. CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE. For questions regarding payment, please call the Cashier’s Office at 509-372-7498.
Re-apply for admission to the university
Submit all official transcripts from colleges or universities you attended during the time you were not attending WSU.
Complete Reinstatement Application
Click on the link above and complete the online Reinstatement Student Application.
Write Personal Statement
Personal statements must be typed either directly into the electronic application or as an attachment. Handwritten statements will not be accepted. If sending as a separate attachment, make sure to include your full name, WSU ID number, date, term applying for, and page numbers.
Any supporting documentation can be emailed to tricities.reinstatement@wsu.edu.
Application Fees
The cost of application for first time rule 38, 38B, second time 38, 39, 41, and appealing dismissal under rule 41 is $75.00.
Payments can be made in person at the Cashier’s Office in Floyd 269 or by mail. Checks and money orders must be made out to “Washington State University.” CREDIT CARDS NOT ACCEPTED AT THIS TIME. CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE. For questions regarding payment, please call the Cashier’s Office at 509-372-7498.
All reinstated students will be required to meet the following conditions:
You may choose from the following Success Activities – success activities should be selected based on your unique needs:
You will also need to complete an Academic Promise for Reinstatement.
Please check your WSU email regularly, as Academic Advising will be contacting you frequently throughout the semester to check on your progress. We will also call you periodically.
Your personal statement is crucial in considering your application for reinstatement to the university. Without a complete and thorough personal statement, it will not be possible to give your application complete consideration.
Provide specific documentation to support your personal statement. For example, medical documentation of personal or family illness or information for unexpected travel.
If you meet with a faculty member, be prepared to speak with them about how you can be successful. Consider asking the following questions:
If you are struggling with contacting a faculty member, talk to your Academic Advisor for suggestions or assistance.
An Appeal of Academic Suspension or Dismissal may be submitted in cases where there are compelling and documented circumstances.
A Petition for Exception to Academic Calendar Deadline and Withdrawal Limit may be submitted when a deadline has been missed or withdrawal limit reached. For more information to determine if you are eligible, please visit our Petitions page.