October 27, 2020 Student hub provides greater access to voting, election info
RICHLAND, Wash. – Washington State University Tri-Cities launches a new “Student Engagement Hub” beginning this Thursday that provides students and community members with a central place on-campus to access voting and election information.

WSU Tri-Cities students and community members are welcome to visit the Student Engagement Hub on-campus to learn more about voter registration (attendees can register to vote), print ballot and voter booklet and more.
Through the non-partisan hub, individuals can check their voter registration, register to vote, print their ballot and election information booklet, access a private location to fill-out their ballot, and cast their ballot at the on-campus ballot drop-box located adjacent to the parking lot outside of the Consolidated Information Center (CIC) building.
The hub is hosted by the Associated Students of WSU Tri-Cities in partnership with the Benton County Auditor’s Office.
The Student Engagement Hub will be open for the following hours on-campus in CIC 120:
- Thursday, Oct. 29 – 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Friday, Oct. 30 – 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Oct. 31 – 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Monday, Nov. 2 – 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, Nov. 3 – 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
“The Student Engagement HUB is an excellent election resource for students and community members,” ASWSUTC President Robin Kovis said. “This year, like every year, we are encouraging maximum participation in the American democratic process.”
The WSU Tri-Cities Student Engagement Hub will adhere to local and state requirements as it pertains to COVID-19 and in conducting election engagement in a non-partisan fashion.
All students who come to the WSU Tri-Cities Student Engagement Hub will also receive a free swag item when they visit.
“Even if you’ve already voted, we welcome students to visit the hub to grab a swag item, meet your student government representatives, voice your concerns and hear about the work that ASWSUTC has done and is continuing to do this academic year,” Kovis said.
ASWSUTC Vice President Stephanie Warner said she encourages all students to take part in the student engagement hub.
“It is very important that our students’ and our community’s voices are heard,” she said. “It is open to the public, so bring your friends with you and vote.”
Important voting deadlines are available on the Washington Secretary of State elections website at www.sos.wa.gov/elections/dates-and-deadlines.aspx. Election day is Nov. 3.
Media contacts:
Robin Kovis, president of the Associated Students of WSU Tri-Cities, 509-380-1488 (cell), robin.kovis@wsu.edu
Stephanie Warner, vice president of the Associated Students of WSU Tri-Cities, stephanie.warner@wsu.edu
Chris Meiers, WSU Tri-Cities vice chancellor for student affairs and deputy Title IX officer, 913-449-9766 (cell), chris.meiers@wsu.edu
Maegan Murray, WSU Tri-Cities assistant director of marketing and communication, 619-403-3617 (cell), maegan_murray@wsu.edu