Your feedback is important to us! It allows us to enhance your advisement experience continuously.
Please, fill out and submit the survey in this page to share with us your reactions to your advisement session.
Thank you. Best wishes!
Preliminary questions Today's date (required) Name(s) of your advisor(s) (required) Your year in college (required) Freshman,Sophomore,Junior,Senior,Post-Baccalaureate,Graduate,Other Your WSU major (required) BA, Computer Science,BS, Computer Science,Civil Eng.,Electrical Eng.,Mechanical Eng. Certified in your WSU major? No,Yes Your gender? Female,Male,Privately Held Semester for this Advisement Survey? FallSpringSum. Did you only select E-Advising? No,Yes If "Yes", how come? Reactions to your Advisement Session Please note that "Disagree" check boxes are to the left and "Agree" check boxes are to the right Registering for an advisement session was easy Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree The online SEAS Advising Gateway is helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree My advisement session was structured effectively Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree My advisement questions were addressed to my satisfaction Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree I enjoyed participating in this session Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree I received excellent advice on WSU's General Education or UCORE requirements (if you have already fulfilled all the GER or UCORE requirements, please answer "N/A" ) Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A I received excellent advice on the requirements of my major Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree I received excellent advice on the requirements of my minor (if you are not pursuing a minor, please answer "N/A" ) Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A At my session, I developed an excellent class schedule for my next semester Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree Overall, my advisement session was successful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree If you were not advised through the Student Success Collaborative, please answer with "N/A" The Overview Dashboard Information in the Student Success Collaborative was helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A The time histories of credits and GPA in the Student Success Collaborative were helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A The summary of midterm grades in the Student Success Collaborative was helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A Overall, the advice based upon the Student Success Collaborative was helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A Any additional comments about your advising session are helpful and welcome! I have reviewed this survey for accuracy before submitting it (this box must be checked to submit) Thank you for participating in this advisement survey!
Today's date (required)
Name(s) of your advisor(s) (required)
Your year in college (required)
Your WSU major (required)
BA, Computer Science,BS, Computer Science,Civil Eng.,Electrical Eng.,Mechanical Eng.
Certified in your WSU major?
Your gender? Female,Male,Privately Held
Semester for this Advisement Survey?
Did you only select E-Advising?
If "Yes", how come?
Please note that "Disagree" check boxes are to the left and "Agree" check boxes are to the right
Registering for an advisement session was easy
Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree
The online SEAS Advising Gateway is helpful
My advisement session was structured effectively
My advisement questions were addressed to my satisfaction
I enjoyed participating in this session
I received excellent advice on WSU's General Education or UCORE requirements (if you have already fulfilled all the GER or UCORE requirements, please answer "N/A" ) Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A
I received excellent advice on the requirements of my major Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree
I received excellent advice on the requirements of my minor (if you are not pursuing a minor, please answer "N/A" ) Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A
At my session, I developed an excellent class schedule for my next semester Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree
Overall, my advisement session was successful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree
If you were not advised through the Student Success Collaborative, please answer with "N/A"
The Overview Dashboard Information in the Student Success Collaborative was helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A
The time histories of credits and GPA in the Student Success Collaborative were helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A
The summary of midterm grades in the Student Success Collaborative was helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A
Overall, the advice based upon the Student Success Collaborative was helpful Strongly Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly Agree,N/A
Any additional comments about your advising session are helpful and welcome!
I have reviewed this survey for accuracy before submitting it
(this box must be checked to submit)
Thank you for participating in this advisement survey!