Student Care Network

If this is an emergency or the student is in immediate danger, please call 911 immediately and then contact Campus Safety & Security at 509-372-7234.

If this is an emergency or the student is in immediate danger, please call 911 immediately and then contact Campus Safety & Security at 509-372-7234.


The WSU Tri-Cities Student Care Team functions to ensure a safe and supportive learning environment that addresses concerns that interfere with the well-being and progress of students. A multidisciplinary team of professionals work with intentional effort to collaboratively assess referred concerns and to coordinate appropriate interventions.

The team works to…

  • Recognize and eliminate bias in assessing referred concerns
  • Apply a holistic approach in determining interventions
  • Advance awareness of and access to resources

This work allows for a campus culture that enables every student to experience academic and personal growth as a member of the WSU Tri-Cities community.

Submitting a Care Referral

WSU Tri-Cities Student Care Referral Forms are routed to the WSU Tri-Cities Student Care Team.

Examples for submitting a Care Referral include the following:

  • Academic concerns
  • Attendance
  • Disruptive, disturbing or dangerous behavior
  • Sexual misconduct, stalking, relationship violence or assault
  • Suicidal behavior or self-harm
  • Significant personal or family problems

Not certain where to categorize a concern? Move forward with submitting a Care Referral, click on the ‘Primary Concern’ drop-down, and select ‘General Concern’ from the drop-down list.

You will be notified via email when the referral has been received. Due to confidentiality, details cannot be disclosed.

Student Care Team Members and Roles

photo of Anna Plemons
Anna PlemonsAssociate Vice Chancellor
Concerns regarding faculty and staff (point of contact for faculty/staff)
photo of Karina Aispuro
Karina AispuroDirector of Academic Advising
Student academic progress and persistence
photo of Sylvia Rangel van Breda Vriesman
Sylvia Rangel van Breda VriesmanAssistant Director of Student Services and Student Counselor
Student mental health and wellness
Laura Sanchez.
Laura SanchezDirector of Student Services and Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Liaison to WSU Center for Community Standards (CCS) and Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR). Basic needs (food and housing insecurity, financial instability), belonging, peer-to-peer conflicts, and concerns regarding faculty/staff (point of contact for students).
photo of Scott Tomren
Scott TomrenDirector of Campus Safety and Security, Ad Hoc Member
Urgent concerns, such as student crisis situations, threatening student behavior, or medical emergencies.