
Faculty & Platform Party – Instructions and Ceremonial Procedures

To show support and help celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates, WSU Tri-Cities is covering the regalia rental fee for faculty. Both forms are combined this year and instead of ordering regalia individually, regalia will be ordered in bulk by the campus. The deadline for faculty to register for Commencement and rent regalia is March 31st.

Faculty Commencement Instructions


Plan to arrive for lunch by 11:30 am, but no later than 12:30 pm to allow time to be fully robed and lined up for the processional.

Stage Party #1

Stage Party #2

Processional Order

  1. Mace bearer and Honor Guard (Faculty Senate Representative and ASWSUTC President)
  2. College faculty (in regalia) line up for students to walk through
  3. Doctoral candidates, escorted by their faculty advisors, followed by the Master’s candidates
  4. Baccalaureate degree candidates led by college gonfalons carriers from the Colleges of:
    • Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences
    • Arts & Sciences
    • Business
    • Education
    • Engineering and Architecture
    • Nursing
  5. Chancellor’s platform party
    • Vice Chancellors
    • Assistant Vice Chancellor
    • Academic Directors
    • Advisory Council
    • Keynote Speaker
  6. Color Guard
  7. National Anthem


  1. Once all degrees have been conferred, the Chancellor will direct students to move the tassel from the right side of their mortarboard to the left side, signifying that they have earned their academic degree.
  2. Graduates will stand to join all in singing the WSU Fight Song.
  3. Once the WSU Fight Song is finished, the macebearer collects the mace from the stand and exits down the center aisle (the same direction from which they marched in).
  4. The platform party exits.
  5. The college faculty immediately follow (in 2 lines) and will be directed by row monitors.
  6. Students remain in place and will be released row by row starting with the back row by row monitors once the platform and faculty have departed.