October 18, 2021 Oct. 20: WSU Tri-Cities, Columbia Basin College hosting virtual career fair
RICHLAND, Wash. – Individuals will have the opportunity to meet with a variety of regional employers from across the Tri-Cities and inquire about current and future jobs and career opportunities as part of the Virtual Columbia Basin College/WSU Tri-Cities Career Fair that takes place on Wednesday, Oct. 20.
The career fair will take place from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. online via a platform called Handshake. To attend, WSU Tri-Cities students should register at wsu.joinhandshake.com. Members of the public should register at cbc.joinhandshake.com.
The career fair is free and open to the public.
More than 30 employers are registered to participate. Individuals will have the opportunity to meet with those employers via individual virtual rooms. Attendees can jump from room to room to explore a variety of career opportunities.
For more information, contact AJ Andrade at aandrade@columbiabasin.edu or 509-543-1449.
Media contacts:
Jay Frank, Columbia Basin College assistant vice president for communications and external relations, 509-544-2038, jfrank@columbiabasin.edu
Maegan Murray, WSU Tri-Cities director of marketing and communication, 509-372-7333 (office), 619-403-3618 (cell), maegan_murray@wsu.edu