Student Accounts

Tuition and expenses

Tuition and fees are due the first day of class. The charges will be posted to your account one week before the start of classes. Financial aid will be posted to student accounts the Thursday night before classes begin.

WSU does not mail billings for tuition and fees. This information is available online at myWSU. Cost of attendance varies between each student.

Mandatory Fees$215$215
Housing & Food$8,238$8,238
Books & Supplies$381$381
Miscellaneous Living Expenses$1,054$1,054
Semester Total (Estimated)$16,406$24,444
Year Total (Estimated)$32,812$48,888
Per-Credit Charge (1-10)$575.10$1,378.90
Per-Credit Additional Hours (19+)$548.80$1352.60

Important notes

  • Tuition assumes full-time study: 12-18 credits for undergraduate students and 10-18 credits for graduate students
  • Full-time charges will be assessed at 10 credits, regardless of academic career (undergraduate, professional, etc.)
  • Students are charged tuition based on the specific number of enrolled units.
  • Check enrollment criteria for summer.
  • Room & board expenses are cut in half if living with parents.
  • Minimum 2 credit charge for tuition.

For the full cost of attendance at all WSU campuses go to WSU Tuition & Expenses.

For the EXACT COST of tuition and mandatory fees, go to Budget Office Figures.

How to make a payment

Pay electronically
Pay by mailing in a check
Electronic or by mail payment options not possible for you?
Third-party payments
Payments from outside the United States

Contact Us

Cashiers Office
Elson S. Floyd Building 269B
2710 Crimson Way
Richland, WA 99354-11671

Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Phone: (509) 372-7498

Kathy Harper
Kathy HarperFiscal Specialist/CashierFloyd 269B
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