MME Seminar Series – “How to do a Project” – with Lance Doyle

BSEL 102

Abstract In order to successfully complete a project, there are a number of steps that must be taken. The goal of this presentation is to help you identify those steps. The process starts with a concept and goes through initial production. Lessons learned from over...

Current Student Advising

CIC 101R 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA, United States

Current student advising sessions will occur March 18 through April 11 at WSU Tri-Cities. At these sessions, advisors will work with you to build your course schedules for the 2019/2020 academic year. Reminder: First Year Students, students who started in the FA 2018 or SPR...

Strategic Planning Town Hall

WSU Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA, United States

Campus Survey Results Monday, March 25, 3– 4:30p.m. in East 266 (Auditorium) Sarah Tragesser, Ph.D., associate professor, and Ray White, MBA, vice chancellor for finance and administration at WSU Tri-Cities, will provide an overview of the campus survey results collected earlier this year on common values, expectations and vision...

CIC 101R 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA, United States

Current student advising sessions will occur March 18 through April 11 at WSU Tri-Cities. At these sessions, advisors will work with you to build your course schedules for the 2019/2020 academic year. Reminder: First Year Students, students who started in the FA 2018 or SPR...

Current Student Advising

CIC 101R 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA, United States

Current student advising sessions will occur March 18 through April 11 at WSU Tri-Cities. At these sessions, advisors will work with you to build your course schedules for the 2019/2020 academic year. Reminder: First Year Students, students who started in the FA 2018 or SPR...

State of the University Address

WSU Tri-Cities 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA, United States

President Schulz highlights the University’s accomplishments of the past 12 months. Q & A and a reception will follow the address.

Current Student Advising

CIC 219 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA, United States

Current student advising sessions will occur March 18 through April 11 at WSU Tri-Cities. At these sessions, advisors will work with you to build your course schedules for the 2019/2020 academic year. Reminder: First Year Students, students who started in the FA 2018 or SPR...

Running Start Info Night

East Auditorium 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA

Join us for an in-depth look at Running Start, there will be a student panel, faculty presentation, and a Running Start 411.

Current Student Advising

CIC 101R 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA, United States

Current student advising sessions will occur March 18 through April 11 at WSU Tri-Cities. At these sessions, advisors will work with you to build your course schedules for the 2019/2020 academic year. Reminder: First Year Students, students who started in the FA 2018 or SPR...