Bridges Program

Plans of Study

Take the guess work
out of transferring

Start a direct path to transfer from Columbia Basin College (CBC) or Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) to WSU Tri-Cities! The Bridges Program plans of study listed below will take the guesswork out of deciding which classes are needed to achieve your degree. Use the plans of study with your community college counselor and the WSU Tri-Cities transfer admissions counselor to help you successfully navigate toward the degree of your choice.

WSU Transfer Center

The WSU Transfer Center provides resources and support to students with transfer credit to help ensure equitable pathways and successful transitions to a WSU degree.

Plans of Study

You do not have to complete all of this coursework to transfer! Transferring to WSU simply requires 40 quarter credits or 27 semester credits.

If your institution does not offer an equivalent course, please contact the Office of Admissions for information.

Direct transfer Agreement (DTA ) will fulfill UCORE requirements, but does not fulfill all major requirements. Must meet with CBC and WSU Transfer Advisor before meeting the 45 credits.  

Biology Major RequirementsWashington State University System Columbia Basin CollegeBlue Mountain Community College
BiologyBIOLOGY 106 [BSCI]BIOL&212 and 213BI 212 and 213
ChemistryCHEM 105 and 106 [PSCI]CHEM&161, 162, and 163CH 221, 222 and 223
MathSTATS 212 [QUAN]MATH&146No Equivalency
MATH 171 [QUAN]MATH& 152MATH 252
Choose a series
PHYSICS 101 and 102 [PSCI]PHYS&114, 115, and 116PHY 201, 202 and 203
PHYSICS 201 and 202 [PSCI]PHYS&221, 222,
and 223
PHY 211, 212, and 213
If you have not completed two years of the same foreign language in high school, it is recommended to take two quarters/semesters of the same college-level foreign language.