Emergency Notification System Test – December 5, 2024
WSU Tri-Cities will conduct a test of its Emergency Notification System on Thursday, December 5, 2024 at noon.
Faculty, staff and students who have signed up for emergency notifications from the Tri-Cities campus will receive text messages, phone calls, and/or emails which will all be clearly identified as a test. Delivery methods are selected by the user during signup, and can be changed at any time.
During a real event, this system will provide information to alert people of the situation, and instructions necessary to assess their individual circumstances, and act to take appropriate safety precautions. We encourage everyone to consider the actions they might take in a real emergency during the test. Look for potential areas to shelter in place and be aware of possible exits. This system is also used during inclement weather to notify students, staff, and faculty of campus delays or closures.
To register to receive alerts, or to update your emergency contact information, visit my.WSU, click the “emergency notification” tile, and select “Update Now!” Be sure to also select Tri-Cities as your location.
Weather conditions are being monitored continuously, along with campus and local travel conditions. Any announcements regarding delays or closures will be communicated through multiple channels. If no announcement is made, campus is operating normally.
Students and employees must determine for themselves, based on their location and local conditions, whether they will come to campus on any given day. Anyone who does not feel safe traveling is advised to stay home. Students should communicate with their instructors if they choose not to come to class. Likewise, instructors must communicate with their students as early as possible if they choose to cancel class. Employees may talk to their supervisors about working remotely, or may take leave. Refer to HRS policies regarding inclement weather at https://hrs.wsu.edu/resources/inclement-weather/.
WSU Tri-Cities Important Announcements
How do I sign up for Notifications?
- Go to the myWSU portal and sign in using your network ID and password
- Click on the “Emergency Information” box.
- Click “Update now” to sign up or update your contact information.
- Complete the Washington State University student emergency notification form
- Once you have completed entering your contact information, please click ‘SUBMIT’. Your information has now been recorded and you are signed up to receive emergency notifications!
NOTE TO PARENTS: Our current system does not support parent or third party registration to receive notifications. However, we do allow each individual to list up to 9 different mechanisms for emergency notification. Have your student list your contact information as an alternate to theirs, and that will get you emergency notifications as part of your student’s contact file.