Sewer Discharge Program

In order to allow for disposal of certain non-hazardous solutions through the sewer system, EHS has developed a Sewer Discharge Program.

This allows us to maintain compliance with the conditions of the WSU Tri-Cities Industrial Discharge Permit.

Using this program, generators provide information regarding their proposed discharges, including the content, volume, and frequency of discharge.  EHS provides review of the proposed discharge, determining whether it is allowable under the terms of the City of Richland’s wastewater program, as well as state and federal regulations.

In order to request review of a discharge, complete a Sewer Discharge Application and return it to EHS.   Some discharges may require minimal treatment, such as pH adjustment, separation of solids, etc.  Compliant discharges can then be permitted for a period of 1 year.  Any changes in the characteristics of the discharge require re-application and review.