Accident Prevention Program
WSU policy and Washington state regulations require development and implementation of an “Accident Prevention Program” – a written plan to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses on the job. The plan must be tailored to address the specific hazards of each workplace.
Environmental Health & Safety has developed a Campus Safety Plan to address the general campus requirement. This will form the foundation of a complete Accident Prevention Program, but does not necessarily include all the safety and health information required. Since activities and processes undertaken by various WSU units vary dramatically, each must complete its own review of the plan and add Work Specific Safety and Health Programs based on their specific duties. To complete the written program, carefully read each section and fill-in the required information based on your unit’s needs.
Questions and requests for assistance can be directed to EH&S, 372-7163.
Work-Specific Safety & Health Programs
In addition to the completed Accident Prevention Plan, some departments may need to develop additional safety and health programs based on the functions and activities they perform. EHS has developed templates for some of these programs to assist departments in developing and implementing these programs. Select the topics below to determine if a specific program is needed in your department.