Hazardous Waste Identification

The methods outlined below can help campus personnel determine whether waste or surplus chemicals meet the definition of regulated waste. All chemicals found to be regulated must be managed through Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S).

Each user is responsible for determining whether their chemicals are hazardous waste, and reporting them to EHS for collection and disposal.

For assistance designating wastes, contact EHS at 372-7163. 

Chemicals may be designated as waste based on one or more of the following:

  • They are federally listed wastes
  • They are federally-defined characteristic wastes
  • They are state-defined criteria wastes

Two EPA lists identify specific chemicals as hazardous wastes.  These lists apply to unused quantities of certain pure and commercial-grade chemicals.  Chemicals which have reached their expiration date, but which have not been used in a process, may be listed wastes.  Products which contain a listed material as the sole active ingredient may also be listed wastes.

Please note that if your waste is P-listed, a maximum of one quart of that waste may be accumulated in a Satellite Accumulation Area.

EPA also includes two lists of wastes generated from various processes:

Any wastes generated at WSU which appear on any of the above lists must be managed and disposed of as hazardous waste.  Contact EHS for assistance.

Wastes which are not listed may still be regulated, based on their characteristics.