CUBS Mentorship Program

Carson Coug Undergrads Building Social Capital (CUBS)

The CUBS program’s mission is to motivate, empower, and encourage WSU Tri-Cities Carson College of Business students through mentoring and social networking opportunities. Those students accepted into the program will meet one-on-one with business professionals from the area in to order receive valuable insights into their profession as well as guidance on how to develop and execute a career plan. Students will be challenged to be positive decision makers and ultimately help facilitate the process that will shape them into effective and responsible professionals in the community and beyond.

Local business professionals with at least 3 years of working experience are invited to join the CUBS Program mentor pool.

General Manager, CBRC Health & Wellness Clinic

The CUBS mentorship program is a great opportunity to connect students to business professionals who have been in their shoes before. The topics are wide ranging and cover more than just business: family, personal finance, work-life balance and more. Whatever can help propel them to be their best in the next step! - Cole Willis
For Students

CUBS is a mentoring program that helps Tri-Cities Carson College of Business undergraduate students develop into responsible business professionals. Students can benefit from one-on-one interactions with experienced professionals from the community that can share their knowledge and insights. Students will be matched with their own mentor drawn from a pool of local business professionals and leaders ready and willing to assist you with developing career goals.

Benefits for Students

  • Gain professional perspectives on practical applications of course concepts.
  • Identify long-term professional development needs that support career goals.
  • Increase social capital through networking with professionals.
For Mentors

CUBS mentors have the opportunity to positively influence the professional development of Tri-Cities Carson College of Business undergrad students. CUBS mentors can engage and challenge motivated Tri-Cities Carson College of Business students and help with their development into effective and responsible business professionals.

Benefits for Mentors

  • Share real-world insights to assist students in applying course concepts.
  • Contribute to the professional development of an emerging workforce.
  • Identify potential interns and new hires.