Five Year Plan

Our Five Year Plan

This ASWSUTC Five Year Plan guides our advocacy efforts and decisions with five main objectives: (1) Improve Advocacy Efforts, (2) Have a Role in University Decisions, (3) Be Taken More Serious, (4) Increase Student Involvement, and (5) Make Our Work Meaningful. Together, these five objectives form ASWSUTC’s Mission. Goals and promises are listed within each objective that shows how we will perform and measure each objective. Although the objectives will not change annually, goals and promises may change between each ASWSUTC team. Our Five Year Plan was first drafted during the 2018 ASWSUTC Summer Retreat. During this time, all officers of ASWSUTC worked together to provide input and agree upon common objectives and goals. We believe that including everyone’s thoughts and opinions in the organization’s plan creates an atmosphere for collaboration and openness to new ideas.

Improve advocacy efforts


  • Advocate with a purpose
  • Increase officer visibility
  • Advocate correctly
  • Begin and maintain relationships

We promise to…

  • Differentiate between college, university, and system-wide issues
  • Reach out to students consistently
  • Connect with the correct faculty and staff
  • Increase face-to-face connections and follow up

Have a role in university decisions


  • Increase WSU knowledge
  • Be informed on university processes
  • Be a reliable committee member
  • Have a student voice on all campus and system-wide committees

We promise to…

  • Connect with WSU Tri-Cities and system-wide faculty and staff
  • Learn university processes and who to go to
  • Follow through on commitments
  • Show we are open and interested in serving the students

Exhibit Professionalism


  • Become well-known on campus
  • Be more approachable
  • Represent the organization well
  • Be reliable

We promise to…

  • Reach out to students more
  • Spend more time talking to students
  • Maintain an appropriate level of professionalism
  • Prepare for and be present in meetings

Increase student involvement


  • Gather more feedback from students
  • Make purposeful committee appointments
  • Increase the student voice
  • Improve the knowledge of ASWSUTC

We promise to…

  • Increase the number of surveys, polls, and petitions we release
  • Find the right students for committees
  • Advocate for more at-large student positions on campus committees
  • Hold forums to keep students updated on our work

Make our work meaningful


  • Improve organization retention
  • Increase student leader involvement
  • Increase interest in ASWSUTC
  • Build important professional skills

We promise to…

  • Find passionate people to work on projects they care about
  • Allow ASWSUTC officers to be club officers
  • Show the importance of our work to students and the university
  • Create more team projects

Our One Year Plan

  • Pass ten successful resolutions
  • Obtain less than 35% of responses on the Student Survey that state no knowledge of ASWSUTC officers or initiatives
  • Increase the number of students who come into the General Office
  • Make valuable connections to campus and system administration
  • Have a student representative on 80% of campus committees
  • Receive signatures from at least 10% of the student body on all petitions
  • Replace less than three positions within ASWSUTC this year