Utility Problems

Basic utilities occasionally may be interrupted due to incidents either on or off campus. Outages typically do not last long, and rarely create life-threatening situations. When outages occur, remain calm. The biggest danger in utility outages is panic.


Power Outage

  • Call Facilities Maintenance at 509-372-7497.
  • If you are able, power down and unplug computers and non-essential equipment.
  • If fume hoods fail, close any hazardous materials containers and evacuate the laboratory.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Evacuate the building if the fire alarm sounds.


Plumbing Failures

    If flooding occurs-due to a plumbing failure or other problem.

  • Cease using all electrical equipment.
  • Cease using all plumbing fixtures.
  • Evacuate if necessary.
  • Call Facilities Maintenance at 509-372-7497.


Gas Leak

    If you smell natural gas:

  • Cease all operations immediately.
  • Do not switch lights on or off.
  • Evacuate as soon as possible. Do NOT activate the fire alarm.
  • Once you are out of the building, call 911. Then call the campus emergency line at 372-7234.


Elevator Failure

  • If you become trapped in an elevator, pick up the elevator phone to be connected to dispatch. Elevator maintenance will respond to your location to release you from the elevator.
  • Do not attempt to open the elevator.
  • Do not attempt to remove the passenger from the elevator.
  • Stay calm. Do not attempt to exit the elevator if the doors open and you are between floors, unless instructed to do so by emergency personnel. The elevator could move, endangering your life.