Library Information

WSU Tri-Cities Library

The Max E. Benitz Memorial Library is one library in the Washington State University Library system. WSU Libraries have more than two million books and over 30,000 journal and magazine subscriptions in addition to media, ebooks, archival collections and hundreds of databases, many with full-text access to journal articles.  The Tri-Cities Library is a member of a consortium of 39 other libraries in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, with access to an additional 28 million items. The Tri-Cities Library offers access to all of these resources.

Renewal of WSU materials may be accomplished online using “My Accounts” in Search It, by calling 509-372-7303, or in person at the circulation counter. Materials may not be renewed if they are overdue or have been requested by another patron. Media materials have limited renewals. Reserve and Summit materials may not be renewed.

Comments or concerns regarding circulation, overdue notices, or fines should be referred to circulation at the following addresses or numbers:

Circulation: 509-372-7303
Plant Mail: H2-52 Attn: Circulation
U.S. Mail: WSU Tri-Cities Library
2710 Crimson Way
Richland, WA 99354-1671
Attn: Circulation

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