A&S – Arts and Sciences
Academic Probation ‐ not maintaining satisfactory academic progress
Access Services – place for students who have a documented disability go for support and resources
ADCAPS ‐ Alcohol and Drug Counseling, Assessment and Prevention Services
Advisor ‐ school official, usually assigned by your college or university, who will help you choose classes and make sure you are taking the right courses to graduate
Alumni ‐ people who have graduated from WSU
AP ‐ Administrative Professional
ASCC – Academic Success and Career Center (This is a center located at WSU Pullman. At WSU Tri-Cities you will meet with your academic advisor or career services in the Learning Commons.)
ASWSUTC ‐ Associated Students of Washington State University Tri-Cities
Bookie ‐ Student Book Corporation, or the WSU Bookstore (Books can be bought online via the Bookie or in person. The Bookie for WSU Tri-Cities is located in the East Building.)
CAHNRS ‐ College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences
CAMP ‐ College Assistance Migrant Program (This program is not available at WSU Tri-Cities. We recommend reaching out to TRiO Student Success Programs for similar services.)
Cashier’s Window – serves as Student Accounts and the Bursar’s Office (Located in Floyd 269.)
Catalog ‐ a document that provides all of the information parents and students need to know about a school
CCE ‐ Center for Civic Engagement (This is an office at WSU Pullman. You may find similar opportunities through the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership or the MOSAIC Center for Student Inclusion.)
CFSL ‐ Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life
Chancellor – leader of individual WSU campuses
CHP ‐ Center for Health Promotion (Counseling Services at WSU Tri-Cities hosts many similar programs.)
Comp ‐ a comprehensive exam
CTS – Counseling and Testing Services (At WSU Tr-Cities, this is referred to as Counseling Services.)
CUB ‐ Compton Union Building (Check out the Student Union Building!)
CUE ‐ Smith Center for Undergraduate Education (Collaboration Hall is a great space for studying.)
Dean ‐ a faculty member that is head of a college or department
Doctorate ‐ highest academic degree awarded after a Bachelor’s degree
ELSM ‐ Department of Educational Leadership and Sports Management (These departments are not available at WSU Tri-Cities.)
Faculty ‐ teaching staff with the University
FAFSA ‐ Free Application for Federal Student Aid
FERPA ‐ Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Fin Aid ‐ Student Financial Services (This is also known as Financial Aid.)
GA ‐ Graduate Assistant
GEISORC ‐ Gender Identity/Expression and Sexual Orientation Resource Center (Check out the WSU Tri-Cities MOSAIC Center for Student Inclusion for similar resources.)
GPSA ‐ Graduate Professional & Student Association
IFC ‐ Interfraternity Council (WSU Tri-Cities does not currently have Greek Life. If you are interested in Greek Life, stop by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership in the Student Union Building.)
IM ‐ Intramural Sports (Campus Recreation, located on the first floor of the Floyd building, offers similar experiences for students.)
Instructor ‐ a college teacher ranking below assistant professor
IP ‐ International Programs
IT ‐ Information Technology
Lab ‐ a space in which students can perform certain functions in controlled situations that help them test and understand what is being taught in the lecture
The Lair ‐ lounge area on the first floor of the CUB (Check out the lounge in the Student Union Building.)
Learning Commons – the first floor of the library that houses academic advising, career services, and TRiO Student Success Programs
Lecture ‐ class where instructor lectures on class material
Lighty ‐ Lighty Student Services Building (Many of the services you may have used in Lighty can be found in Floyd 269 or in the Learning Commons.)
Major ‐ student’s chosen field of study
Midterms ‐ exams during the middle of each semester that test students on the material
Minor ‐ a specific number of credit hours in a secondary field of study
MSS ‐ Multicultural Student Services (The MOSAIC Center for Student Inclusion and TRiO Student Success Programs provide similar services to students.)
MyWSU ‐ The University’s official student information site (Access at my.wsu.edu.)
NID ‐ Network ID (myWSU login, different than WSU ID)
NPHC ‐ National Pan-Hellenic Council (WSU Tri-Cities does not have Greek Life. If you are interested in Greek Life, stop by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership in the Student Union Building.)
NSP ‐ New Student Programs (This is referred to as SOAR or New Student Orientation.)
OC ‐ Orientation Counselor
Ombudsman ‐ an official appointed to investigate individuals’ complaints against maladministration.
ORC ‐ Outdoor Recreation Center (Campus Recreation provides outdoor rentals to students. Check them out in the DEN on the first floor of the Floyd Building.)
PAN ‐ Panhellenic Council (WSU Tri-Cities does not have Greek Life. If you are interested in Greek Life, stop by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership in the Student Union Building.)
The Pit ‐ Fulmer 226 (The East Auditorium located in the East 266 and CIC 216 are similar lecture hall style rooms.)
PreReq ‐ prerequisites
Prerequisite ‐ prerequisite course; a course taken in preparation for another course
Professor ‐ a teacher of the highest rank in a college or university
Provost ‐ the chief academic officer directly below the president at the university
RA ‐ Resident Advisor
RDA ‐Resident Dinning Account
RED ‐ Residential Education Director
Registrar ‐ responsible for the maintenance of all academic records
RHA ‐ Residence Hall Association
RSO ‐ Registered Student Organization
SEB ‐ Student Entertainment Board
SLN ‐ Schedule Line Number
SOAR– Student Orientation Advising and Registration
SRC/UREC/REC ‐ Student Recreation Center (Campus Recreation is located in the DEN on the first floor of the Floyd Building.)
SSS ‐ Student Support Services (General student support services may be found in Floyd 269. Student may also be interested in TRiO Student Success Programs located in the Learning Commons if they are first generation, have a disability , or are low income.)
Syllabus ‐ an outline of the important information about a course.
TA ‐ Teaching Assistant
Tax Return Transcript – a common form, that many students selected for verification in financial aid, that has to be retrieved directly from the IRS
TCR ‐ Transfer Credit Report
TODD AUD ‐ Todd 116 (The East Auditorium located in the East 266 and CIC 216 are similar lecture hall style rooms.)
Transcript ‐ a permanent academic record of a student at college
TRiO ‐ student service programs
UCORE ‐ University Common Education Requirements
UGC ‐ United Greek Council (WSU Tri-Cities does not have Greek Life. If you are interested in Greek Life, stop by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership.)
Undergraduate ‐ an undergraduate is a student who is pursuing either a one-, two-, or four-year degree
WSU ‐ Washington State University