Sustainable Options in Aviation Research Laboratory


The SOAR Lab (Sustainable Options in Aviation Research) is a state-of-art facility focused on Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) R&D and provides testing services to North American and European collaborators. Partnering with over 35 other institutions and private entities, the SOAR lab offers applied research services, in-demand testing methodologies, and equipment to advance the region as a leader in emerging low-carbon aviation energy solutions.

Graduate student handing another student a beaker of liquid while staff member supervises.

To meet the clean energy challenge, the aerospace industry is committed to ‘net-zero’ carbon emissions by 2050. To achieve the goal, roughly 2,500 new sustainable aviation fuel production facilitates will be commissioned by 2050; 3 billion gallons of SAF by 2030 and 35 billion gallons of SAF by 2050. We commit to achieve this goal through innovative, cost-effective technologies. This specialized research lab at the WSU  Tri-Cities campus is uniquely positioned to lead SAF research and innovation.

Capability & Equipment

  • JFTOT (Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Tester)
  • IQT (Ignition Quality Tester)
  • GFAA (Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry)
  • ICPOES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy)
  • BOCLE (Ball-On-Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator)
  • GCxGC_VUV (2D Gas Chromatography_Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy)
  • NCD (Nitrogen Chemiluminescence Detector)
  • DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry)

  • CIC (Combustion Ion Chromatography)
  • GC-SimDis (High Temperature Simulated Distillation)
  • Distillation Curve (Microdistillation System)
  • O-Ring Swelling (Custom O-Ring Swelling System)
  • HVP 972 (Vapor Pressure)
  • THW (Thermal Conductivity Meter)
  • Benchtop NMR (% Hydrogen)
  • Potentiometric Titrators (KF Titration, Bromine Index, Mercaptan Titration and Peroxide Titration)


Recently work has focused on the development of sustainable aviation fuels, which are low-carbon fuels produced from biomass. Fuel’s properties are controlled by the composition of the fuel. Our work utilizes this reasoning to make property predictions, connecting composition to hydrocarbon property databases and property blending rules.

Student wearing a lab coat, gloves, and goggles inspecting a tube of liquid.

Testing Service

Measurements with corresponding property requirements as described in ASTM D1655.

Single Test

Package Test

Sample Vials and Containers

Lab Members

photo of Prof. Joshua Heyne
Prof. Joshua HeyneBSEL 227Director of the Bioproducts, Sciences, and Engineering Lab (BSEL) and Co-director of the WSU-PNNL Bioproducts Institute (BIO-IN)

Principal Investigator for the integration and coordination activities of the National Jet Fuels Combustion Program of the FAA’s ASCENT Center of Excellence

Former Students

Contact Us

Phone: 509-372-7345

Bioproducts Science and Engineering Laboratory (BSEL)
Washington State University Tri-Cities
2710 Crimson Way, Richland, Washington 99354