Big data is changing our world and data can be a powerful tool for engaging students in any content area. Please join us on Friday, May 14, 2021 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm as we share how data can be used in any content area to engage students at any level, deepen learning and address 21st century skills. Time will be provided to develop lessons integrating data into your courses.
During the workshop participants will:
• Use real world problems with data sets to explore key data science and computational thinking skills.
• Learn how to adapt these ideas and skills to any subject matter.
• Network with other WSU faculty about engaging students with data.
• Leave with just in time ideas and strategies for working with big data in their classrooms.
This workshop will occur simultaneously, via Zoom, across the Pullman, Tri-Cities, and Vancouver campuses.
Join Zoom Meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android:
Please RSVP to contacts below if you plan to attend (but feel free to attend even if you do not RSVP) or if you have questions:
Judy Morrison
Ann Wright-Mockler
Jonah B. Firestone