Materials issues such as corrosion, strength, ductility, crack propagation, etc are
significantly affected by microstructural evolution either during the materials lifetime
or in the manufacturing processes which produced the material. By gaining a clear
understanding of the microstructural evolution of materials it is possible to create
new improved materials tailored specifically for the required task. Using the specific
examples of the solidification of carbides in liquid U, hydride formation and growth in
nuclear fuel rod claddings, and grain boundary engineering in FCC nickel the study of
microstructural evolution to improve materials will be discussed.
Jacob L. Bair was raised on a farm near Ephrata, WA. He earned a B.S. degree in Mechanical
Engineering with a second major in French from Washington State University in December
of 2012, then his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Missouri University of
Science and Technology in December of 2016. His research has been on experimental
and computational studies of the microstructural evolution of materials using scanning
electron microscopy with Electron Backscatter Diffraction, Phase Field Modeling, and
Molecular Dynamics. Topics he has researched include hydrides in Zr fuel rod claddings,
grain boundary migration in face centered cubic materials, and twinning in nickel. At
PNNL he has been involved in phase field modeling of UC formation in a liquid U melt,
Pu Oxalate precipitation, and a combined experimental and computational study of
hydride embrittlement in Zr fuel rod claddings.