History Trivia Night
Thursday, November 19
7:00 – 8:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/99875156787?pwd=VmJMZkVQMVNnTWo4VmlUUlMxWENZQT09&from=addon |
Meeting ID: 998 7515 6787 |
Passcode: 254919 |
Join History faculty for a fun hour of trivia questions about events in history, from their classes and about themselves. Participating faculty include Professors Brigit Farley, Tracey Hanshew, Robert Franklin, and Bob Bauman.
Participants will need to download the Kahoot app to be able to play.
This event is students in all majors.
Contact Eadie Balint, ebalint@wsu.edu, College of Arts and Sciences