Cougs In the Community

A community service learning and projects program to provide an opportunity to Washington State University Tri-Cities students, their family members, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the community to demonstrate good citizenship. This program also will provide opportunities to engage and network while having fun sharing knowledge, skills, and resources in a volunteer environment.

New service projects and activities are happening each year. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us.


“I became interested in doing community service during my first summer after college, when I volunteered to teach English in Guaymas, Mexico. That experience taught me that while there is great joy in helping others, of equal reward is how we ourselves change and grow from such work. In regards to service, I often think of Cesar Chavez’s quote that, ‘Surely the end of all education should be service to others.’ ”

-Sarah Newcomer, Assistant Professor, College of Education


“Having lived in the Tri- Cities for almost 30 years, I love opportunities to reach out and help others in our community. I also love being a part of the Cougar family, and, as a recent graduate of WSU Tri- Cities, Cougs in the Community gives me the chance to remain connected to the University, while giving back to my community. What a great opportunity!”

-Jayme Finch, Psychology ’13

Photo Gallery

Elson Floyd Luminaria Ceremony w American Cancer Society - Oct 2015

Earth Day 2016

Cougar Pride Day 2016 - Wine Science Center laying sod

Bateman Island Cleanup - March 2016

Herbert M Parker Lecture Series 2016 - Antone (Tony) Brooks

NPO Grant Writing Seminar Jan 2016

Nursing students Grace Clinic - Feb 2016

Digital Technology & Culture: Anti-Litter Social Practice Mapping Project

Tri-Cities Coug House groundbreaking - Sept 2015

Nonprofit Summit 2015