Greetings New Running Start students! We are excited for you to start your fall semester. We know this isn’t a normal start to a semester, and we want to you to start successfully. You are invited to a required virtual orientation to learn about resources,...
Writing to Belong Presented by Robin Ebert Mays This workshop is an integrative writing opportunity for students to learn more about common fears they may face such as finding success in academics or how to fit into the campus culture. During this time, I will...
Aug. 19 | Noon-1 p.m | ZOOM WSU Tri-Cities Chancellor Haynes wants to get to know you! Join her for a virtual chat, learn a bit about the chancellor and share a bit about you and what you hope to accomplish at WSU Tri-Cities. Participation...
Connecting College and Career Presented by Kristine Cody, Career Services The path from college to your career may feel like it’s out far ahead of you as you start your college journey, but the truth is your college experience and career experience are deeply interconnected....
All new and returning adjuncts are invited to attend this virtual orientation to learn more about key academic policies and procedures. The orientation will feature presenters from several campus areas.
Communicating with Faculty Presented by Anna Plemons This practical workshop will cover strategies for effectively communicating with faculty and will include topics like how to send an email, what to do during an office hours appointment, and how to start a conversation about internships or...
This second orientation session, Teaching Technology, is for all new and returning adjuncts. This session will focus on how to use Blackboard as a platform for teaching. This session is presented by the Integrated Academic Technology (IAT) team. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or...
WSU Tri-Cities students, faculty, and staff, Save the date for WSU Tri-Cities Virtual Welcome Back event August 21 from noon-3 p.m. We are excited to announce some exciting news and provide you lunch before the virtual celebration begins. Free Lunch Pick up in the CIC...