Ice Skating Warm Clothing Drive

Toyota Arena

Donate winter clothing for all any and all ages. Recommended donations: Gloves, sock (must be new), and jackets that are still in good condition. Will be donated to Skyline Adventures Outreach.

Turkey Drive

TRAC Pasco Rd. 68 and Burden Rd. , Pasco

Help Second Harvest hand out turkeys to the public. Will be cold outside so dress comfortably! SIGN UP IN EAST 228

MSME Final (Interim) Examination: Josef Christ

West 247

Announcement of Final (Interim) Examination: Candidate: Josef Christ Degree: M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Thesis Date: November 28, 2016 Time: 11:45am Place: West 247 Advisor: Dr. Aboutaleb (Amir) Ameli Thesis Title: 3D PRINTING OF STRAIN SENSORS All are encouraged to attend.

ASWSUTC Recreation Facility Forum

West Atrium

Join ASWSUTC in an informative discussion about a possible recreation facility on campus. We will be discussing multiple options and ask you, the students, what you want in this facility.

Help writing for the WSUTC/WSU Scholarships

West 230

Writing for scholarships can seem overwhelming, overly difficult or pointless - but not if you know how to do it and are willing to spend a little bit of time doing it right. Come to this workshop and we'll talk about how to write for...