Coffee with the Chancellor
Coffee with the Chancellor
Have coffee with the Chancellor! Meet the Chancellor, ask questions and get a free drink voucher!
Have coffee with the Chancellor! Meet the Chancellor, ask questions and get a free drink voucher!
Join the festivities at Winterfest as part of our spring Week of Welcome! The Office of Student Engagement and Leadership as well as ASWSUTC and SEB will have activities and prizes for students! Tuesday, January 11th 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. SUB
Visit the Floyd Atrium and participate in a DIY Coping Skills Toolbox Workshop.
In preparation for the upcoming internship fair, students are welcome to stop by the Floyd atrium for a free professional headshot.
WSU Tri-Cities is proud to partner with Columbia Basin College and the Washington Workforce Portal to present the Virtual Internship Fair! Network with local companies and find internship opportunities in the Tri-Cities area! Register: