
offered in the Digital Technology & Culture program
dtc class
Students in one of our many DTC & Fine Art classes work on a color theory project.
dtc class 2
Professor Peter Christenson and his DTC class exhibit student's work in a performative art auction.
dtc art exhibition
Students gather around a digital art installation for the Spring 2017 Undergraduate Research Symposium and Art Exhibition
101 [ARTS] Introduction to Digital Technology & Culture – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Inquiry into digital media, including origins, theories, forms, applications, and impact with a focus on authoring and critiquing multimodal texts.

Course Summary
DTC 101 will give you an overview of the program. You will learn how to think critically about media and its relationship to culture. Some past projects have included using Adobe SPARK to create content, creating and analyzing “Let’s Plays” videos, and more.

201 [ARTS] Tools and Methods for Digital Technology – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
An introduction to the tools and methods of production for multimedia authoring in digital contexts.

Course Summary
DTC 201 will provide you with a basic understanding of the Adobe Creative Cloud applications. It will allow you to relate a concept such as a historical time period or video game to contemporary times. You’ll work on creating media that critiques cultural phenomena.

206 [DIVR] Digital Inclusion – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Examination of global reach of digital environments, structures, and tools with focus on inclusion in terms of access, availability, affordability, adoption, and application across cultures.

Course Description
Digital Inclusion takes as its starting point the need for the digital environment to be inclusive and equitable. The course examines the digital environment from web design to voting machines, from legal structures to diverse emoticons on social media platforms, and from broadband access to website domain name registration to see how inclusion and equity are imagined, put into action or undermined. The course will look at the rise of digital technology alongside cultural, social, and legal frameworks that defined a certain set of digital defaults that exclude as much as they attempt to include. Digital Inclusion will explore how to making connections in a global environment means unpacking the very tools we use to communicate, the ways in which digital platforms are built and who can and can’t use these tools, platforms, and systems.
– Excerpt from 206 syllabus written by Anna Plemons, Clinical Assistant Professor of English & Director of CLASP for the College of Arts and Sciences

336 Composition and Design – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: DTC 201. Design practices and process for composing for a multimedia environment including color, pattern and shape.
(Crosslisted course offered as DTC 336, ENGLISH 336.)

Course Summary
DTC 336 will introduce you to fundamental elements and principles of design for a 2D surface. The class has hands-on projects with both print and digital elements. A major goal of the course is to teach you to see and to describe in order to design.

338 Special Topics in Digital Technology and Culture – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 6 hours. Major trends or artists in digital technology and culture.

Previous Topics
Social Media
Introduction to Web Design
Advanced Composition & Design

354 Digital Storytelling – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Nonlinear, multi-linear, and interactive narrative using elements of creative writing such as character, dialog, setting, plot and image.
(Crosslisted course offered as DTC 354, ENGLISH 354.)

Course Summary
DTC 354 will teach you about a wide range of storytelling techniques and the role they have in culture through narrative elements such as character, dialog, and plot. You will use tools such as storyboards, sound composition, visual composition, and editing to create original projects.

355 [M] Multimedia Authoring: Exploring New Rhetorics – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Writing for new computer-based media; multimedia authoring project; examination of new rhetorics of information technology.
(Crosslisted course offered as DTC 355, ENGLISH 355.)

Course Summary
DTC 355 will help you develop strategies for websites that encourage engagement. You will learn fundamentals in HTML and CSS, Content Management Systems, and Writing for and about the Web.

356 Information Structures – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: DTC 101. Social and cultural role of information; research with electronic sources; production, validation, storage, retrieval, evaluation, use, impact of electronic information.
(Crosslisted course offered as DTC 356, ENGLISH 356.)

Course Summary
DTC 356 will allow you to explore cultural, aesthetic, and political roles of information and data. From Wikipedia to library catalogs, you will learn about the many different ways of looking at data in the digital age.

375 [M] Language, Texts and Technology – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: DTC 101. Relationship between technology and communication; writing practices from a historical point of view.
(Crosslisted course offered as DTC 375, ENGLISH 375.)

Course Description
This course explores the interrelationships among technology, communication, and composing practices from a historical point of view. Many of the issues of current concern to people who study and work with digital technologies and culture have deep historical roots, and composing and computation are both technologies that are themselves thousands of years old.
– Excerpt from syllabus written by Mike Edwards, Assistant Professor

475 [DIVR] Digital Diversity – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: Junior standing. Cultural impact of digital media in cultural contexts; issues of race, class, gender, sexuality online.
(Crosslisted course offered as AMER ST 475, DTC 475, ENGLISH 475.)

Course Summary
DTC 475 will teach you about the social impact of new technologies such as the internet, video games and social media. You will take a look at digital diversity and question how technology can bring people together or push them apart. Topics range from issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality.

476 Digital Literacies – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: DTC 375. Development and use of new literacies as they affect communication through technology.
(Crosslisted course offered as DTC 476, ENGLISH 476.)

Course Summary
DTC 476 will allow you to unpack the term “digital literacy.” The term has many meanings depending on who you talk to in the professional world. You will learn how digital literacy plays a role in communities, information sharing and gathering, education, and work life.

477 Advanced Multimedia Authoring – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: DTC or ENGLISH 355. Advanced writing, imaging and teamwork skills for authoring in new computer-based media; website project in client-oriented context.
(Crosslisted course offered as DTC 477, ENGLISH 477.)

Course Summary
DTC 477 will provide you with an introduction to advanced web design and interactive media topics including scripting using languages like JavaScript, PHP, and JQuery.

478 Usability and Interface Design – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: DTC or ENGLISH 355. Design of websites using best practices of visual literacy, interface architecture and usability.
(Crosslisted course offered as DTC 478, ENGLISH 478.)

491 Digital Cinema – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: DTC 201 or 208. Exploration of advanced techniques, theories, and aesthetic strategies of cinema in the age of digital media, including video remix, mobile cinema, webisodes, cinematic games, hyperlinked video, and database cinema.

497 Senior Seminar – (3 Credits)

Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite: Completion of Junior Writing Portfolio; certified major in Digital Technology and Culture; senior standing. Major multimedia project for nonprofit organization or small business with special focus on project management, planning, and execution.

498 Internship

Catalog Description
May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 9 hours. Direct professional learning experiences in the area of digital media, technology, and culture. S, F grading.

Course Summary
Internships are required for DTC majors. Each 1 credit of the internship course is equivalent to 50 hours of work in the field. 3 credits of DTC 498 are required for the Bachelor of Arts in DTC degree.

499 Special Problems

Catalog Description
May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 12 hours. Course Prerequisite: Certified major in Digital Technology and Culture; junior standing. Independent study conducted under the jurisdiction of an approving faculty member; may include independent research studies in technical or specialized problems; selection and analysis of specified readings; development of a creative project; or field experiences. S, F grading.