As we move into a new semester and a new academic year at WSU Tri-Cities, it is important to communicate the changes being made and currently in-place, with External and Internal event requests through 25Live Pro.
Due to the current vacancy of the 25Live coordinator position, Aaron Brumbaugh, Director of Information Technology has stepped in to temporarily manage and approve all events and meeting requests processed through 25Live. The process remains the same as before, with all “internal” or “WSU Tri-Cities employee requested” event and meeting request moving through the 25Live Pro system through an “event request”. That process and link can be found here.
As for External Events and requests, we will adopt a new process, which will still utilize the “Non WSU Group Space Request” form, detailed here, as the first step in the processes. After that form has been submitted, Aaron will review and it will be routed as follows:
- The person or unit that is contacted regarding the space is responsible for providing direction and connecting the customer to the facilities resource manager whom primarily schedules 25Live (Aaron Brumbaugh). WSU Tri-Cities event policies and procedures for external event can be found on the Campus Events Support page here. There may be exceptions to this process if a VIP or high-profile contact is involved.
- A person is being identified, likely this summer, to take over the 25Live management (not Aaron Brumbaugh). This is the person you would then connect with to get the proper 25Live request in and the correct resources (i.e., Tables, chairs, linens AV needs, room reservations, food service specifications, etc.). Until that person is identified, Aaron will act as this person and contact.
- The event coordinator, or event requester, will be responsible for managing the relationship between contact (external) and WSU Tri-Cities, and is expected to shepherd the event from start to finish, making sure everything is coordinated to expectations. There should be a clear understanding that the contact’s main point of contact is that event coordinator and not the 25Live manager (Aaron for now).
Example: VIPS managed by the Office of the Chancellor (not comprehensive)
- External
- Advisory Council Members
- Port of Benton
- Visit Tri-Cities
- Organizations and individuals associated with the Energy & Environment Initiative (including, but not limited to)
- X-Energy
- Grant PUD
- Energy Northwest
- Internal
- Board of Regents
- Office of the Provost
- WSU President and First Lady
- Local, State, Federal Relations
- External
Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Claire Venema regarding processes at or Aaron Brumbaugh for 25Live requests, at