WSU Tri-Cities Strategic Plan

Goal Two

Research & Scholarship

Elevate research and creative work as a public land-grant, R1 WSU institution.


1. Leverage WSU’s R1 status, the Washington State University system, its assets and brand to enhance and grow a scholarship identity unique to the mid-Columbia region.

2. Capitalize on campus core competencies, strengths, and community resources to distinguish key programs as world-class centers for research.

3. Expand creative and accessible research opportunities for faculty and students.

Our preferred future…

WSU Tri-Cities is known as a center for research excellence in signature areas of science with national and global reach. The world views WSU Tri-Cities as an engine for cutting-edge research and scholarship that capitalizes on our local and regional strengths. We are further known for our unique model of engaging undergraduate students in meaningful research and providing opportunities to contribute to our world through local and regional partnerships.