Student Information Packet

Summer STEM Camps

Registration for the 2023 Summer STEM Camp at WSU Tri-Cities is now closed. Please look for the opportunity to attend with us again next year. Thank you.

Consent/Release and Assumption of Risk

The Student Information Packet has been replaced with the Consent/Release and Assumption of Risk forms.

Your camp registration is not complete until we have received signed Consent/Release and Assumption of Risk forms, which are sent to the email address used to register for the Summer STEM Camp. Check your email for an initial registration confirmation to download the forms.

Please review, fill out, digitally sign, and email the forms to as soon as possible, or mail to us at the following address.

We require either an original or digital signature, so scans or photos will not be accepted.

WSU Tri-Cities Summer STEM Camps

2710 Crimson Way

Richland, WA 99354

Our email and mail box will be checked every day for new forms. We will confirm with you by email that your student’s enrollment is COMPLETE only after registration, payment, and the required forms have been received by us.
